Working on Burberry led us to look at 100s of bags, both fake and authentic. We realized that the motivation for fakes was simply driven by the iconic status of the checks. So much so, that many of the fakes didn’t even have logos stating “Burberry”, but still looked exactly like them. These ‘replicas’ are being sold a lot online with no images, so be careful and make sure you are purchasing only authentic Burberry handbags when shopping resale.
With this addition to our brand authentication list, we now service the following:
- Chanel – Lambskin Leather, Caviar Leather, Patent Leather and All Other Materials
- Prada – Saffiano Leather
- Gucci – Gucci Canvas, Gucci Supreme Canvas, Guccissima Leather and All Other Materials
- Fendi – Fendi Canvas, Fendi Coated Canvas, Fendi Leather and All Other Materials
- Hermès – Clemence Leather, Togo Leather, Epson Leather, Box Calf Leather and All Other Leathers (Exotics Not Included)
- Céline – All Materials
- Burberry – All Leathers, Haymarket Check, Exploded Check, Nova Check, Super Nova Check, House Check
- Louis Vuitton – Monogram Canvas, Epi, Vernis, Damier Ebene, Damier Azur, Damier Graphite
Fun Fact:
Burberry operates under 4 brands: Burberry Prorsum, Burberry London, Burberry Brit and Burberry Sport. It also has 2 regional brands for the Japanese market: Burberry Black Label and Burberry Blue Label.
From Wikipedia:
Burberry Group PLC is a British luxury fashion house headquartered in London, England. Its main fashion house focuses on and distributes trench coats (for which it is most famous), ready-to-wear outerwear, fashion accessories, fragrances, sunglasses, and cosmetics.
Established in 1856 by Thomas Burberry, originally focusing on the development of outdoor attire, the fashion house has moved onto the high fashion market developing and creation of the first of its kind fabric called Gabardine, which is completely breathable and waterproof, exclusively made for the brand. Developing 45-degrees unique pattern-based scarves, trench coats, and other fashion accessories. The first shop opened in the Haymarket, London, in 1891. Burberry was an independent family-controlled company until 1955, when it was reincorporated.
Its distinctive check pattern has become one of its most widely copied trademarks. Burberry has branded stores and franchises around the world and sells through concessions in third-party stores. Its coats were worn in the trenches during the First World War by British soldiers, and for decades thereafter Burberry became so much a part of British culture that Queen Elizabeth II and the Prince of Wales have granted the company Royal Warrants.
Christopher Bailey has been the Chief Creative Officer since 2014, while also the CEO until November 2017. The company is listed on the London Stock Exchange and is a constituent of the FTSE 100 Index. In 2015, Burberry ranked 73rd in Interbrand’s Best Global Brands report, ahead of Ralph Lauren and Hugo Boss. Burberry has more than 500 stores in over 50 countries.
More than over 100 years passed before Burberry trench coats began to be made in more than two different colours: khaki (dust-coloured) and black. From 2015 trench coats for men as well as women have started have been available worldwide in new colours: red, white, and honey.