Great works of art come with a provenance.
Great luxury handbags come with a Certificate of Authenticity from Entrupy.
The certificate – either in printed or digital form – follows the bag wherever it goes, just like the provenance on a work of art. It shows the brand name, the material, the date of authentication and the name of the verified business who performed the authentication.
Since Entrupy is setting the standard, there are unscrupulous sellers who try to fool a buyer with a certificate that has been manipulated to appear real. But don’t worry. We have you covered. All Entrupy Certificates of Authenticity are logged in our database so it’s easy to verify that what you’re seeing is real.

If you’re handed a paper copy, check to see that the brand and material match the handbag the customer is selling. It’s easy to bring a Chanel certificate in with a fake Chanel bag hoping the store won’t notice that the material doesn’t match.
The next step is to visit our website. There’s a large “check certificate” button at the top of the page ( Enter the certificate ID in the search box to verify your certificate. Again, check that all of the information on the digital version matches the printed version. If they differ, you’re looking at a fake.
When a customer comes to you with only the digital version, authenticating the authentication is even easier. Just click the certificate link to find the match. From there you can print out a version to display with the bag for future customers to see. Having an Entrupy Certificate of Authenticity attached to a luxury bag increases consumer confidence and allows you to sell it faster and for a higher price.
If you are already an Entrupy Verified Business, you can reauthenticate if you like. This will generate a new certificate with your business name as the authenticator.
Authentication certificates are the quickest way to remove virtually the only barrier when selling luxury goods online. Before the question is even asked, you have already answered it. Yes, this item is guaranteed authentic and you can prove it.